Events emergency planning

Emergency Plans
For larger events, work with Denise Whisman Director of Emergency Preparedness to create emergency incident plan for your event.  Keep a printed backup in case you lose internet or electricity.


Event Registration Form(log in to access the form)
Fill out the event registration form at least 30 days prior to your event.  This form will notify fire marshal, food service, risk management and police about your event.  Once the form is submitted and received by the listed parties they will work with you to ensure your event is as safe as possible for everyone involved.


Who makes the call?
For each of your events, you need to determine one person that is in charge of making the call on cancelation, postpone or relocate an event (having already established alternative locations).  This is mainly due to weather issues, but can be because of construction, an incident in the area.


Contact List
Create a complete contact list (e-mail, cell phone, work phone, role at the event) for everyone involved in the event planning, including staff, volunteers and vendors.  Keep a printed backup in case you loose internet or electricity.


Evacuation and Shelter Location
Have a plan on how to evacuate attendees and where to direct them for shelter if needed.  Make sure to communicate the plan to your volunteers and staff during training or walkthrough.  Do not forget to include plans for people with mobility challenges in your plan.


Make sure nothing is within 8ft from any entry or exit areas and that there is a clear path available for everyone in case of emergency.


Event Staff/Volunteers
Have a uniformed shirt or a name tag that quickly identifies your staff/volunteers from attendees during emergencies.  This is particularly important for larger events.


Fire prevention
Make sure you and your staff/volunteers know where the nearest fire extinguisher and pull stations are at your event location.


If you have any of the following at your event, you should fill out Incident Report, accident (vehicle, injury or property loss) or near miss (potential for accident) involving ASU facilities or property.


First Aid
If you have larger event consider hiring the EMS team to have on hand in case anyone is hurt or injured.  ASU Emergency Medical ServicesRequest ASU EMS team.


Monitor the weather for your event day, including temperature, wind and storm warnings.  This is particularly important for outside events so you can make the correct call on if you postpone or cancel your event.  Consider getting weather monitoring app on your phone for up to the min information.


Have training/briefing meetings for your staff/volunteers and include your emergency plans in the briefing.


Missing Person
If your events includes children, have a plan on how to communicate with your staff and volunteers on the information about the missing person so not to alarm guests.  Also, make sure you assigned a person that has fingerprinting clearance to monitor the child once found until it is reunited with family/teachers.


Do not contact media or post any information online about your emergency.  In the event Media shows up at your event, do not give statements to them, leave it up to someone from ASU media relations as they are the spokes people for ASU 480-965-3502, [email protected].


Emergency supplies
Create event kit with items you may need for your event such as paper, pens, duct tape, scissors, etc.  Include in the kit emergency supplies such as first aid kit and flashlight.


Contact information

  • ASU Police – 480-965-3456
  • Environmental Health and Safety Management (University Fire Marshal’s Office) – 480-965-1823 [email protected]
  • Insurance and Risk Management – 480-965-7700
  • Food Safety Program – 480-965-6853
  • Parking – 480-965-6124
  • Safety Escort Service Tempe 480-965-1515, Other campuses 480-965-3456
  • Assistant Director of Infrastructure and Safety for Engineering Rita Bottesch – (480) 965-7138


For an emergency, call 911


Useful Templates

FSE OHS Guidance on Event Safety Plans

Event Safety Plan (ESP) Template

Borrow your event décor!

The Fulton Engineering Dean’s office events team has linens and décor items available for loan to others in Engineering.

Engineering Events Inventory